These birthdays seem to be more difficult to see pass. I went down to your bench but it is getting very difficult to reach as the paths are becoming over grown. It was a beautiful morning and the photos show how wonderful Pwll Du still looks from the bench. Caroline couldn't come down as she is recoverying from a hip replacement. She is doing really well and almost walking normally which is great as its six weeks on Wednesday. Thankfully she doesn't have any pain. Wish I couls say the same but my years of playing sport have left its mark with two arthritic knees and thumbs. Down for a knee replacement which can take up to 4 years !!! Everyone misses you as much as ever. Richard your big brother has settled well on the Isle Of Arran and the whole family are loving life on the island. Tomos did really well in his recent exams and is now into golf and going to the Gym!! Nye is mountain biking and playing the guitar in a youth band Eirlys is playing ladies hockey, srfing snorkling, playing the saxiphone and doing triathlons. She is really tall !! Helen has a part time job in the bank which she is enjoying. However the cottage they were hoping to rent out hasn't happened because of an issue with their mortgage not their fault.
Saw Ruth and the girls on Saturday boy they are growing up fast, Lula is a real little lady and Georgie is a smaller version of you but they both lovely. Ruth has had issues at work but thankfully they have been resolved. She was telling us that Mum is suffering a bit more from her Parkinsons not as mobile as she wasbut still playing golf. Adam 's two are growing up fast Evan has started nursery and is enjoying it while Ada is a pocket dynamite having no fear and of course copies Evan all the time. Jamie's Raphie is in the last year at primary so he's got a big part in the Christmas production and you would love him as he's a good actor and really polite. He is also a really good rugby player representing the scool area side. Florence is also showing signs of becoming an actress and she can be really funny. You and her would have got on like a house on fire. Saddens me that you are missing these wonderful experiences or you may not be. Love you loads and miss you so much take care Lucy.